Thursday, January 7, 2016

Availability & Best Deals Updates 01/07

Zone Alerts!
Godzilla Jr. - RED ZONED! The holidays took a beating to this figure and it's pretty much gone at MSRP. ToyWiz is selling it for $64.99, while over MSRP, better than $90+ everyone else is selling it for. Grab it while you can before they catch on, and they will! ToyWiz is notorious for raising the prices for these figures after they're gone from Amazon. Or maybe they follow this blog... Oops.

MOGUERA is at the tip of the iceberg before turning fully red zoned. All major retailers no longer have it in stock, however, ToyWiz has it still for $79.99. But don't order from them as Amazon's third party sellers are still selling it for about $64.99 shipped. Don't expect these prices to last long. Remember, MOGUERA's MSRP is $84.99.

Lastly, MFS-3 Type 3 Kiryu Mechagodzilla (2003) is still on the verge of being RED ZONED. How its lasted this long? Seems like a  lot of people are privy to Nakama Toys, the only retailer left to sell it at MSRP $125 shipped. But they're iching to get rid of it. They're now selling it on Amazon as well. So their remaining stock won't last much longer. TIP: buy from Nakama Toy's site and you'll get free shipping.

Past Releases Changelog 01.07.16
  • Godzilla Jr.
    • Availability changed to the RED ZONE
    • Removed link to Gundam Planet - Sold Out!
  • Godzilla Adult Jr.
    • Availability changed to the YELLOW ZONE
  • Godzilla 2000 (Millennium) [Special Color Version]
    • Removed link to Anime Island - Sold Out

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude do you still have that one site? outodprintmonsters or something? Thanks!
