Monday, September 8, 2014

Yellow Zone Alert x2 & Something's Back From the Red Zone!

Yellow Zone Alert: Mothra & Battra (Adult Forms) are no longer available to retailers. This means whatever is on the market is what is currently left for purchase. If you're the kind of person who likes to wait around for that good deal, it might be a good time to re-evalaute your buying plan. Mothra is a little closer to the Orange Zone than Battra based off of the popular online retailers availability I track. Today I've updated the PAST RELEASES section with the remaining popular retailers that carry these monsters still.

Here's something to lighten the mood. Tamashii Nations in Japan has sent over the remaining, very limited, supply of Spacegodzilla's to Bluefin Distribution! So if you missed out on Spacegodzilla at or less than $83.99 MSRP, you can place orders at these available retailers! I'd also like to note, not every online retailer will be receiving this stock, so don't wait for your favorite retailer if it's not listed below!

I do not know if Amazon will be getting any of this stock, but I'll keep everyone posted when I find out.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing I already have mine. Love your stop motion work by the way. Just out of curiosity, where did you get the King Ghidorah sound effects? I want to make my own stop motion film, but I'm still missing some things, such as the sound effects of the Heisei King Ghidorah. If you could let me know where I can find those sound effects, it would be really help full.
